Around the World with Marsha & Joel

We’d love to have you join us as we take off on new adventures around the world. We’ve created this Travel Blog so you can be with us as we make our way from place to place. If you’d like to come along put your email in the box on the right and click “subscribe”. You’ll get email alerts each time we post (you can always ignore the alerts or cancel if you must). You’ll get an email each time we post.

And…. Send us a comment when you subscribe so we’ll know you’re comimg. That way we can personalize some of our plans based on our knowledge of your exquisite taste.

We’ll make a point to limit our words a bit and let the photos (and videos) do more of the talking. Promise.

And, if you know something we should know about where we’re headed please comment and give us some advice or suggestions.

So dust off your hikers, grab a hat and let’s go!

23 Responses to Around the World with Marsha & Joel

  1. Wendy says:

    Thanks for including us.

  2. Alan LaSalle says:

    Yes, we’ve been to India, but looks like you didn’t need any tips.:-))
    (sorry missed your reply earlier)

    We took an 8 day highlight tour with Smartours in 2010, the year before Turkey.
    My goal was simply the Taj Mahal but also amazed by the whole experience.

    I also agree completely with your observations….grinding poverty, but amazing history.

    Really enjoyed your posts. Lots of interesting details documented.

  3. Carol says:

    What an adventure…and so wonderful to have shared it with you & Marsha! We look forward to future installments. Thanks for the memories!
    Carol & Joe from Kentucky

  4. Jeanette Poole says:

    Loved the javelina from Arizona — can’t wait to see Nepal Safe Journey!!!

  5. Shelley says:

    Looking forward to another vicarious trip. Thanks!
    Shelley and What’s his name

  6. Pat says:

    Lucy will be well taken care of. Don’t worry about her. Have a great time

  7. Sekita and Frits Ahlstrom says:

    Thanks for inviting us. You know that this will be my trip to India! Frits has already been. Have a fantastic time. Lots of love

  8. Pauline Candaux says:

    You are almost home and here I am running to catch up! can’t wait to see your postings.

  9. Genie and Stephen Werbel says:

    If you’re around Phoenix ck out Solari’s museum/ gallery as well as FLW ‘s Taliesin.
    OH! and don’t miss sunset from the airport mesa in Sedona . G

    • jfdowshen says:

      Thanks you guys. We are having a great trip. Unfortunately my brother and sister-in-law couldn’t make it. That was our initial motivation in going back to this great area. We agree with your tips about Phoenix, and, since this is our third trip to the area, we’ve done ’em all! We’re sure the upcoming visit of your special group will be fabulous; they are quite a wonderful family. Also hope we all can get together soon.
      Marsha & Joel

  10. Genie and Stephen Werbel says:

    Happy Travels you two. Wish we were going also—-somewhere . Stuck cleaning house in preperation for toddler ( read tornado ) ” proofing”—as best we can before L,C & K come in June . Do hope U get to see them in April. Would love to see Abyl , K , and Matt’s little one together. Excited to read of your journeys. Genie

  11. alice says:

    have a great time!!!!

  12. Lea says:

    Have a great trip! Hopefully you’ll be back by the beginning of May so we can see you in NYC!

  13. Alan LaSalle says:

    Count me in! You may remember us from Turkey.
    Just got back from cruise around the horn…Valparaiso to Rio. Photos on flickr to follow. (alan33oh)

  14. Jeanne Ferrante says:

    How wonderful! Enjoy your adventures.

  15. Carol Kalajainen says:

    Have a great time!

  16. Pat Alexy Stoll says:

    Hi Marsha and Joel! Safe and happy travels to you both. Don and I leave for Eastern Europe next week. I just emailed you our blog….Pat and Don xoxox

  17. Matt says:

    How do I get into this program you call “retirement”?

  18. dale says:

    you hippies you! have a great time

  19. judith wolfe says:

    I await your postings. Happy trails to you!

  20. Mark Bilak says:

    Hi Joel, Thanks for giving us the opportunity to follow your adventures. I just signed us both Karen and myself to get your updates. Safe travels to you and Marsha.
    Take care. Mark

  21. Jessica says:

    Off we go!

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