Glaciers, Fjords, and Friends

A hair-raising experience ā€” sailing through the windy fjords of Patagonia. We were on a beautiful catamaran making our way up these amazingly picturesque waterways. Every direction offered a more spectacular view than the one before. A lot of camera and iPhone batteries running out of charge quickly. What a glorious two hours.

Glacial waterfalls and homes to some of natureā€™s most coveted glaciers kept exposing more of themselves the closer we got.

The skies, the clouds, the snow, and this guy ever so slowly creeping through the ages. We headed around, behind to meet his sister, the Serrano Glacier.

We disembarked at Bernardo Oā€™Higgins National Park (Oā€™Higgins was the first head of state of the Republic of Chile). It had beautifully maintained, undulating trails, a little over an hourā€™s hike to the Glacier and back. And the hike itself was almost as glorious as the glacier. If you forced your eyes down and to the side you were treated to one of natureā€™s finest art galleries:

On the way to visit up close. Lucky for us the weather turned our way.

A few friends there ahead of us, but what a way to cap off a wonderful hike. Unfortunately, the Serrano, like most other glaciers in the world (remember Alaska) is shrinking and calving faster and faster. About time to start listening to Greta.

The catamaran ride back was another visual treat, only interrupted by the crew serving glasses of scotch and juice cooled with freshly harvested glacier ice. Fun, and seriously relaxing.

Returned to the hotel a little late for a full dinner, so found a small hostel/restaurant where we lightly filled up with knife and fork sandwich and bowl of soup. The town has lots of hostels, adventure tour companies and outdoor outfitters. With the wind and rain weā€™ve been having itā€™s hard to imagine really pleasant times snow and rock climbing or ocean kayaking?

So weā€™ll hop on the bus tomorrow to wind our way up, in comfort, to the Torres del Paine park, supposedly one of the most beautiful parks in the world. Fingers crossed that the wind and rain weather forecast doesnā€™t come to pass! Weā€™ll let you know. Good night.

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  1. hertzavis says:


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