The 96th Street Station
and the Art of Sarah Sze
“Blueprint for a Landscape”
Blueprint for a Landscape by Sarah Sze profoundly impacts the look of the station as her imagery is applied directly to nearly 4300 unique porcelain wall tiles, spanning approximately 14,000 square feet….

The Latin words “E Pluribus Unum” (“out of many, one”) and “Excelsior” (“Ever Upward”) appear in three of the new stations.
First view of the art from the mezzanine above the stairs to the platform. Images of blowing, fluttering paper run along the entire space, on both sides. The images are dense at the station’s north end and sparser moving south, as a directional aid.
The deep blue blueprint-like drawings by the exits (all in tile) are reminiscent of birds, chairs, leaves all being swooped up by the vortex of a passing train.
“I wanted to use tile as if it were one large piece of paper,” Ms. Sze said. “[In a sense] my piece is about the mind-boggling pace we’re all moving at now…. There’s a lot of information, but it has a kind of rhythm to it that you can navigate.”