The “Crazy Americans” on the Hill

That’s what the locals call Sada Sat Kaur and Sada Sat Singh (all in good fun of course). And you’d know why if you drove the 4 km steep dirt road to the Yoga Borgo. They found the crumbling site over eleven years ago. It was founded as a house of prayer in the fourth century on a famous pilgrim path, the Borgo has been known as a place of devotion and music ever since. The work they have done – and are doing – is nothing short of astounding.

Sada Sat Kaur gave us the full tour of the ruins, the buildings and the five beautiful acres in the hills of Umbria overlooking Tuscany.

The original tower was built in the year 700. The Sada Sat’s have restored it beautifully with help of amazing local craftsmen. Our room is behind the top double window and Linda & Josh the window below. They have their own series of wells and septic system. There is an electrical feed and LP Gas is delivered (quite a feat) by local suppliers with specialized equipment. Amazing the luxurious accommodations in so remote a location.
The Yoga Borgo has been so successful with teaching, meetings and retreats that a new addition beautifully reflecting the old is being built painstakingly as private living quarters for the Sada Sats. The workmanship is impeccable and meticulously matches the old tower. It’s a joy to see what is being accomplished.
Looking down from the tower to the upper and lower gardens they have been developing. It is supplying much of the kitchen that is used to feed guests and clients and for vegetarian cooking classes. Some true deliciousness has been coming out ot that kitchen for us as well.

The entire property is perfect for catching the wonderful air and the spirituality of the setting. The neighbors are kilometers away, but are wonderful people according to the Sada Sats, always available to help and advise. The fact that the Sada Sats now speak fluent, almost accent-free local Italian helps a lot too. We’ve watched the bright faces of friends and students in town just beam as they engage the Sada Sats in greetings and conversation.

Our wonderful hosts, Sada Sat Singh and Sada Sat Kaur are Master Teachers who create an immersive and welcoming experience of a tranquil, balanced and healthy yogic life through scheduled courses or via personal retreat. I know lots of you reading this are involved with yoga (or personal mindfullness ) in some way. You should check out their website…even if you can’t swing a visit, they have great links to and advice in many disciplines – and some great tips and recipes. Yoga Borgo

Of course we’re there as friends and relatives, but the magic of the place is happily rubbing off on us as well. Here we’re wishing Sada Sat Singh a safe journey as he heads off to teach in the afternoon and fly off for special teaching sessions in Washington, DC.

A view from above toward the magnifient hills of the region.

And a view from the house that needs no description.

There is lots of space for hiking among old farm equipment, abandoned dwellings, piles of rock and lumber salvaged from the ruins (and being reused currently), and fruit trees.

Note the fantastic new bell tower carefully built after a suggestion by the craftsmen, to reflect what was once an original one.

Old uses turned into new, the former stable now the beautiful yoga room for example. We plan on having Sada Sat Kaur give us a yoga class in a day or two.

After a very late lunch we went into the town of Sansepolcro, the nearest town to them. We walked and talked around town for two hours. Then we went to Al Coccio restaurant, their favorite eatery, proported to be the finest restaurant in the region. To our delight it is truffle season. The special tasting menu of the night featured black truffle:

For you fans, we had large portions of all the below:

  • Porchini and taleggio cheese flan with truffle fondue
  • Porcini bruschetta
  • Tagliatelle with porcini, asparagus and black truffle
  • Agnolotti in a black truffle
  • Tagliata grilled sliced steak with balck truffle
  • Crushed potatoes with black truffle
  • And a home-made desert (without black truffle)
  • An amazing regional chianti
  • Some got dishes with white truffle and we all tasted

We will return before we leave!

Back up the hill to rest for Perugia tomorrow.

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3 Responses to The “Crazy Americans” on the Hill

  1. bob collins says:

    Enjoying my arm chair travel as usual, unique place. Never would’ve thought yoga classes could be so lucrative. Views of Venice also wonderful….(.push down was the reverse gear trick?) looking forward to next chapter, bob c.

  2. Felipe says:

    This place looks amazing!

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